For most companies, information technology strategy and execution are critical for enabling growth, enhancing profitability and reducing risk.
We are a team of experts who have immense experience in managing IT and working with large organizations as Program Delivery Head / IT Head. The challenges in day-to-day operations and evolvement of IT as per the vision of the management within the organization has its own set of hurdles. Large companies appoint a Chief Information Officer to cater to these challenges and design the future IT strategy road map.
However, in case of small to mid-size companies it is a difficult decision to make considering the financial commitments around appointing a full time CIO or inviting an IT Strategy Consulting firm.
Looking at this, we have added Virtual CIO as a service offering, whereby we offer a CIO consultant who works in collaboration with the client to guide and consult to build an IT Strategy Roadmap of the organization.
In a usual scenario, the IT team in an organization focusses its resources to ensure smooth running of IT operations and short-term solutions, which are scalable for a period of 1-2 years. We aspire to support these companies who visualize a growth of five-ten times in near future by helping them to design a scalable and robust IT strategy road map, which aligns with the growth plans and vision of the organization.
With effective business process consulting your organization can attain the following benefits:

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Pain Points
• An overall assessment of IT is needed or desired
• An urgent problem requires immediate leadership attention
• Strong technology leadership is needed and full-time employees is not
available or affordable
• Management is unsure of the value versus investment in IT
• The IT team can benefit from skilled coaching and development
• A skilled sounding board is needed to help strategy execution